• 202-02-(2837873 - 2829605 -2832951- 2839162 - 2841803
  • medium_egemac@yahoo.com

Engineer Medhat Ramadan, the president of EGEMAC group

Engineer Medhat Ramadan, the president of EGEMAC group participates in the conference of World link energy smart interconnect to the world with smart energy
Held in Wenzhou in China through Chint company in the occasion of the passage of 35 years of the foundation of the company and the latest technology provided by the mounted intelligent solutions for its development in the field of industry and energy.  Engineer Medhat Ramadan, was chosen the president within sixteen person all over the world to give the signal to start the conference in recognition of his experience and success and also his support in the establishment of the company Chint Egemac to serve the power sector in Egypt by taking advantage of all the possibilities.